Friday, May 4, 2018

The Knight's Shield - May 2018

Please welcome to our council three new brothers who completed their Admission degree hosted by Fr. Solanus Casey Council 3797 on Sunday April 22nd. Congratulations Larry Kitka, Anthony Perfetto and Steve Polak.

Our Fraternal year is just about over. Once again, in May, our Council will join other local councils from the State at our annual State Knights of Columbus Convention. During the Convention, the State Council not only recognizes their outstanding councils but also sets each council’s goals for the upcoming fraternal year that begins in July. Every Brother should be proud of the work that the St. Paul of Tarsus Council has done throughout 2017/2018 fraternal year. We definitely achieved our Lord and Savior’s mission of spreading the message of peace and love. A big round of thanks and appreciation is due to each Brother for their outstanding support. Furthermore, the families of our Brothers deserve a great round of thanks for giving their dads and husbands the time to spend with this outstanding council.

Our 5th annual fish fry is now over. I would like to thank the many volunteers that came out to work. Some helped a couple of weeks and others came every week to help, pulling together as a team. Many thanks to each and every person that was a part of that team. We served 2,827 customers in the six weeks we were here. Which is 632 more than last year and a total over the last five years of 11,101 customers that enjoyed the food and fellowship!! See you next year!!

On Friday March 23rd the Knights of Columbus led the Stations of the Cross. This was well attended by over 60 people. Thank you goes out to Al Gulick, Hank LeFlere, Phil Mularski, Robert Tette and Tony Valentine for assisting myself in the celebration of the Stations of the Cross.

On Palm Sunday weekend our members took to the street and store fronts distributing Tootsie Rolls and accepting cash donations. To all who helped make this drive so successful … thank you so much! We cannot forget several other groups that were involved; our Brother Knights that camped out for many, many long hours in the pantry counting all those donations, and Brother Joe Roehrig for chairing this great fundraiser to support the Mentally Impaired. Finally, to Sheryl Ignatowski and all the ladies that helped keep our bellies full and to everyone who brought in the food to feed us.

At our May 14th meeting, we will have our second round of officer nominations and voting on NEW officers. As you all know this is a very important process, so please consider carefully who you would like to see in the leadership positions of your council. Remember also, that self-nomination is perfectly acceptable, as long as the nominee is a Third Degree member.

Many people have been asking for the Larger K of C lapel pins. I have them available for purchase – the cost is $5.00 each. Anyone interested can get one at the General Membership or Officers meetings.

Vivat Jesus
Art Krygowski
Grand Knight

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...