Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Knight's Shield - January 2022

Happy New Year to all!

    I delivered the checks for Abigayle Ministries and Gianna House before Christmas. The drive was very successful, we ended up giving over $4,000 to each. They were very appreciative.  

I regrettably inform you of the passing of brother knight Ronnie Serafino. He went on to be with our Lord on November 16, 2022. He was born March 15, 1960.  He was a knight since 2011.  Rest in peace Brother Knight.

The tentative date for taking down the Christmas lights is January 9th. Please consider helping out with this as many hands make light work.

The Casino trip has been cancelled due to Covid.

It is a new year and time for new year's resolutions. What do you want to resolve to do this year. Perhaps resolve to recruit a new member or to volunteer a little more? I am reflecting on why I became a Knight. It was mainly to give back to my church and community. Why do we desire to do this? For me, it is to leave a legacy. I would like to be remembered as a hard working and giving person. As we remember from our degree ceremony, our motto "Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori", "Time Flies. Remember Death". What will your legacy be? How will you be remebered?

From my family to yours, we hope you have a Healthy and Happy New Year!

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray