Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Knight's Shield - June 2020 Spot Knights

Our 2020 summer begins as we restart our lives with the new normal, due to the virus. Please remain vigilant and safe.

The church has restarted Mass with safety protocols in place. Masses are also still being streamed online. See the church website for more information.

Construction at church has resumed. Thank you to Bruce Arnold, Ray Coughlin, Tom Gray, Ken Krause and Hank Leflere who helped move our K of C cabinets back to the pantry area on May 22. The pantry will move out of the social hall and into the new space soon. Until then, the use of our church social hall will not be available.

Please welcome the newest members to our council, Brennden Bernard. Brennden went through the new degree ceremony online! Dale Jacks was his sponsor. The online ceremony is open to all new candidates, and all current Knights who have not yet attained the third degree. Supreme is currently offering the degree on Thursday evenings. All new candidates and current Knights who have not yet attained the third degree are encouraged to register. The degree is thirty minutes long. Please contact the Grand Knight to register. We have met all our council goals for the 2019-2020 fraternal except for insurance. We need one more insurance member this year. If you need insurance or would like to open an annuity please contact our worthy Field Agent Dale Jacks.

It is with sadness I advise that our Brother Robert Charles ‘Chuck’ Lomasney was called home to the Lord on May 15. A future memorial, celebrating Chuck’s life, will be held in the future. Please keep Chuck and his family in your prayers.

The annual state convention was held online this year due to the virus. Some of the highlights of the convention were special guest, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, who addressed the convention delegates. The Knights have reached the two million member milestone! The State of Michigan is in the ‘Circle of Honor’ for new members joining the order for the first time in over 10 years! Michigan ranked number 2 in the nation and number 6 worldwide! We have also exceeded Supremes’ national goal of 1000 ultrasound machines with over 1200 and over 66 in the state of Michigan. This has saved over 3000 lives annually or over 8 lives a day! Well done brothers! The signatures for the dismemberment abortion petition we signed last fall are currently being certified by the State of Michigan. Thank you to our Worthy State Deputy, William Chase, for leading the State of Michigan through some difficult times over the past two years. The following state officers were elected for the coming fraternal year:

State Deputy: Walter Winkle Jr.
State Secretary: Chris Kolomjec
State Treasurer: Barry Borsenik
State Advocate: Charles McCuen
State Warden: Jim Kraus

We have scheduled our June 8 general meeting to be at St. Paul of Tarsus! The meeting will be held outside and we will practice social distancing. No meal will be served. Meeting time will be at 7 pm. Everyone needs to wear a face mask and plan to bring your own lawn chair. An area will be set up in the Northeast parking lot for our meeting. The meeting area will be marked with a 6 foot social distance grid. We will not have sign in sheets or our 50 50 raffle. In case of inclement weather, Tuesday June 9 at 7 pm will be our make up date. We will have council officer elections. We are still accepting nominations for each officer position. An officer nomination must be a Third Degree Knight. A Knight can be nominated for more than one position. However, a Knight can only hold one elected officer position at one time. A Knight can self nominate. You do not need to attend a meeting to nominate. A member can submit a nomination by phone or email to any current officer or director who will advise the GK. Current Officer Positions and Nominations received so far are listed below.

Nominations can be made prior to the June meeting and of course at the June meeting until nominations are closed on the floor and the officer is elected. As a reminder, we only elect officers. Directors are appointed. We especially need help at our Community Director position! Please contact the DGK or GK to discuss the opportunities for leadership with YOUR council.

We look forward to your support for your elected officers in the new fraternal year which begins on July 1. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the support and fraternity you have given Karla and me over the last two years. We had quite a few changes and challenges over the past two years. A new Faith in Action program, transfer to a new District, construction at church and the covid virus to mention just a few. I believe that with your participation and support, our council is as strong as ever and will continue to do the good works the Knights of Columbus are known for. Thank you for all that you do and may God Bless each and every one of my Brother Knights and their families!

Vivat Jesus,

Mike Hartel