Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Knight's Shield - August 2019

The council Ice cream social for the parish is scheduled (as I am writing my Grand Knight’s Report) this weekend with a heat wave in the weather forecast! Will make it easier to dip the ice cream! Thank you, Rick Okerhjelm, for chairing this event and everyone who helped setting up and taking down the tent, tables, chairs, serving and attending!

Phil Mularski and I attended the Summer Diocesan Meeting. The State is offering Quick Start Incentives for new council members: $10 July, $7.50 August, $5 September. The RTL petition drive is starting, need 400,000 signatures in 180 days and E-Membership was emphasized.

Tom Gray, Hank Leflere and I attended our first District 1 meeting which was a pretty good kick off for us. We discovered that District 1 does not have as many district wide events as District 24. Officer installation is a council event. Maybe next year we can make it a district event. So our council officer installation plans still need to be worked out. I will be working with the DD and the other Grand Knights to see if we can get District Corporate Communion scheduled for this fiscal year. Stay tuned!

One of our Council Brothers, George Trapp II, was called home to the Lord on July 14, 2019. Please remember George and his family in your prayers.

Here are some of our upcoming August events to place on your calendar:

There are still some sites available, so it is not too late to make your council camping trip reservations for 8/2 & 3 at Algonac State Park. Don’t have a camper. No problem, plan to join us for a pot luck dinner on Saturday August 3. See the flyer for more information.

Our Council Summer Picnic is on Saturday August 17 at Kurt Buhlinger’s property in Clay Township. Please see the flyer in the newsletter for more information. Thank you Steve Kargenian and Kurt Buhlinger for re -starting this event!

Be sure to review the calendar for upcoming Fall events such as Charity Poker, Corporate Communion, DAVL Golf Outing and Euchre Party in September.

If you need to take Protecting God’s Children, There is a class scheduled at St. Paul of Tarsus in October. You need to have taken this class to help with most of our council events.

Please consider signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The list is very short. We need some more families to sign up. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

George Trapp has passed away he will be missed

We have lost another brother as George Trapp has passed away. George will truly be missed on Parish Council, in the Pantry and as a brother knight. Pleas say a prayer for his family as George leaves this earth for his heavenly reward! Here is a link to his obituary and arrangements. George Trapp Obituary

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Knight's Shield - July 2019

As we prepare to celebrate our Nation’s birthday and hopefully some nice Summer weather, these are some of the council events and updates since the release of our June newsletter.

Tom Gray and I attended the State Convention on May 23 to 25. All current State Officers ran unopposed and were re-elected. Not the drama of last year where two new officers were elected. The Special Olympics celebrated 50 Years (1968-2018) and Michigan was #1 in Division 1 States! Our Worthy Field Agent, Dale Jacks, was one of 3 State Award winners. The Fishing Equipment Basket from our council for the convention fundraiser was a hit! A couple of State events coming up is a Knights on Bikes Rally August 6-8 and the annual Tiger Day on September 21. See flyers for additional information.

One of our Council Brothers, Paul Ross, was called home to the Lord on May 25, 2019. Paul was a Knight for over 63 years. Please remember him in your prayers.

We had our Officer elections in May and provided you the updates in our June newsletter. We also have appointed positions which are primarily Directors. Here are the changes in our council Directors for the coming fiscal year starting July 1st. Taking over for Rick Okerhjelm as the Family Director is Ron Marrese. Thank you Ron, for agreeing to accept this position and thank you Rick, for the many years of being our Family Director. Leon Berdy will be assisting our Pro- Life Director Sal Ales in the coming year. Congratulations again to all new and returning officers and Directors. Thank you for your interest in helping run our busy council! I look forward to working with all of you. Also thank you to all outgoing officers and directors for your time and talent for your service to the council. Please note Officer/Director Training classes are available. On Saturday July 6th at St. Isidore, 8:30am Meal, Class 9 to Noon. Let me know if you plan to attend a workshop by July 1.

In case you have not heard, the State has redistricted our council. Starting July 1st, we will switch from District 24 to District 1. I would like to thank our Worthy District Deputy Gary Kopp for his service and the fraternity he has brought to our council! Our new District Deputy is Ernie Boulos. Ernie attended our June meeting. We look forward to working with and getting to know Ernie. In fact Ernie and his wife are planning to join us at our council camping trip in Algonac! The other councils in District 1 are St. Hubert, St. Peter and St. Thecla.

I would like to thank Rick Okerhjelm and Joe Kish for volunteering to run our Pancake Breakfast. Please help support our new chairman with this very important council event.

Our council helped support the church workshop for the “Called and Gifted” on Saturday June 22 with a continental breakfast. Ron Marrese reported that there were over 50 attendees at the workshop. Thank you Gino Gattari, Kevin Kennedy, Jeff Gapczynski and Stan Labuda for helping Ron with this event.

We had a nice turn out at our Summer Corporate Communion at the 7:45 Mass on June 23. We filled up all three reserved pews! Thank you to the six color corps members, George Loewen & Craig Thomson for lecturing, Gary Skarb & Gary Gozdielski for being Acolytes and everyone who attended to celebrate Mass together with our Council Chaplain Father Jerry!

Here are some of our upcoming Summer events to place on your calendar:

The council Ice cream social for the parish is scheduled for July 20 and 21 with the tent set-up on Friday evening. We will take the tent down after serving ice cream after the 11:30 Mass. Thank you, Rick Okerhjelm, for chairing this event.

There are still some sites available, so it is not too late to make your council camping trip reservations for August 2& 3 at Algonac State Park. Don’t have a camper? No problem...plan to join us for a pot luck dinner on Saturday August 2. See the flyer for more information.

Our Council Summer Picnic is on Saturday August 17 at Kurt Buhlinger’s property in Clay Township. Please see the flyer in the newsletter for more information. Thank you Steve Kargenian and Kurt Buhlinger for re-starting this event!

Please consider signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The list is very short. We need some more families to sign up. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel