Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Knight's Shield - April 2019

As Spring and April arrives, we are about halfway through our 2019 Lenten journey. Our thoughts begin to think of longer days, Easter Sunday and warmer weather to come. I also start to think about getting out the golf clubs and launch day (for my boat)!

The council had a very nice Annual Pot Luck Dinner and Award Ceremony for our March meeting. Awards were handed out for the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest. Knight in Shining Armor awards: Phil Bonnette, Frank Burda, Ray Coughlin, Ted Czarny, Gino Gattari, Tom Gray, Mike Hartel, Dale Jacks, Ken Krause, Art Krygowski, George Loewen, Phil Mularski and Steve Sleem. Special recognition awards: Leonard & Betty Gutkowski, Phil & Pat Bonnette and Jerry & Sue Hund. Knight and Family of the year awards: Ken Krause and Ray & Sheryl Ignatowski. The beautiful Past Knight Plaque, donated by Don and Marianne Szlezyngier, was unveiled. Please look for it in the church gathering space, near the office with the other Knight of Columbus plaques. Great food, awards, door prizes and 50/50 raffle winners, along with the great comradery of our council. Well done everyone!

Nice turnout for Corporate Communion. Wore our council shirts at 4pm Mass presided by our Council Chaplain Father Jerry. Two of our council members, SK Ken Grobbel and SK Vince Cusumano were part of the Color Corp, and David Wisneski was our lector. Thank you everyone for your participation in celebrating Mass together! The next Corporate Communion is on June 23 at the 7:45am Mass.

Two more candidates from our recent membership drive have just completed their Admission Degree. Please welcome Deacon Marc Rybinski and Chuck Lybeer to our council! Phil Mularski and Ralph Pullis were their proposers. Our next district degree ceremony is Saturday April 27 here at St. Paul of Tarsus. During the remaining days of Lent, let us encourage some of our Catholic brothers to become a Knight!

Our Fry-Day Fish dinners have been more popular than ever thanks to your hard work and welcoming spirit. Thank you everyone for your help and support!

Note that Holiday Ham and Kielbasa orders are due on the first weekend of April and the popular Easter Egg Hunt is also coming up on the first Sunday of April!

Look for the sign-up sheets for the 44th Annual MI Drive (Tootsie Roll) at our Fish Fry and the next general meeting. Palm Sunday weekend is right after our April meeting. Thank you in advance to John Minicuci, Ray and Sheryl Ignatowski and all the council members and their families for their contribution to this very worthy cause for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community.

The first round of nominations for council officers will take place at our April meeting. The second round of nominations and elections will be at our May council meeting.

Don’t forget to sell the state raffle tickets received in the mail. Be sure you place our council number on the stub and our council will receive $1 for every ticket sold! This is the major fundraiser for the state.

Thank you for signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. If you have not yet signed up, please consider doing so. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Road clean-up is scheduled for Saturday May 4. Meet in the church parking lot by 8:00am.

The next euchre party is also Saturday May 4 after 4:00pm Mass in the social hall.

I have received information from Joe Roehrig’s daughter, that a Spring Memorial Mass will be held for Joe on Saturday May 11 at 10:00am at St. Paul of Tarsus. We will provide additional information as it becomes available.

Please see the article for our council camping trip coming up in August. If you plan to camp with us you can now make your reservation!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

The Knight Shield - February 2025

     Christmas Eve Mass was a very special event thanks to Father Jim Lopez. Father Jim requested that a group of Knights escort the “Ba...