Wednesday, May 26, 2021



The Knight's Shield - June 2021

Summer is almost upon us, and with the pandemic easing up a little, I am looking forward to visiting with family and friends more...including my brother knights. I hope all of you and yours are doing well.

Our officers for the 2021-22 fraternal year were elected at our May general meeting, they are as follows:

  • Grand Knight:               Tom Gray
  • Deputy Grand Knight:   Phil Mularski
  • Chancellor:                    Kevin Kennedy
  • Warden:                         Tony Quido
  • Advocate:                      Ken Krause
  • Recorder:                       Rob Tusset
  • Inside Guard:                 Joe Kish
  • Outside Guard:              Vince Ursini
  • 3 Year Trustee:               Paul Parker
  • Treasurer:                       Ray Coughlin
Thanks to all the brother knights who accepted these officer positions!

The road cleanup was 4/24. We had about 10 men help out with this event. It took about an hour and a
half, the garbage was pretty heavy this year.

I have delivered our donation to the church from the fish fry proceeds.
The MI Drive funds are turned into the State, and we are awaiting the checks to disperse to our selected

The state convention at Mackinaw is virtual again this year. I mentioned at the general meeting and there
was some interest that they are opening up the meeting to outside people to attend. There will be a
different login for the delegates as we have some voting to do, but anyone can login and view the activities. Friday May 28th start time is 6pm, it opens with mass. The start time Saturday starts at 9am with a Rosary. The links are below if you wish to view this event.

Our next general meeting we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our council! There will be a representative from the State Council to present a plaque from Supreme. Please try to make this event
as we will recognize the charter members and the Past Grand Knights.

We are going to possibly do a baby bottle drive soon, so stay tuned as we iron out the details. From my family to yours, we wish you a happy June!

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray

Thursday, May 13, 2021


In the beginning God created the night and the day and with in it He provided 24 hours with two great lights to separate the night and the day. All of God’s people have 24 hours each day to accomplish their goals. That gives each of us 8,760 hours a year to live out God’s plan. That gives everyone 2,920 hours of sleep each year if they sleep 8 hours a day. Working 40 hours a week uses another 2,080 hours for the year. That leaves 3,760 hours for personal time whatever that may be. Can you please spend 5,10,15,20 or 24 hours a year making a difference by supporting the Knights of Columbus programs? That’s all it takes 24 hours or less out of 8,760 hours each year. Be the difference. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give. Please consider joining our council today. You are so much needed.