Friday, October 25, 2019

The Knight's Shield - November 2019

The construction on our church continues. The classroom and pantry addition walls have been constructed. The structural steel has arrived for the canopy and west addition also. This results in the loss of use of our church social hall until further notice. So as a reminder, our General Meetings are scheduled to be held at the JFK Council Hall located on 33320 Kelly Road. This means we will not be able to have any Pancake Breakfasts or Euchre events until after Easter. We will probably also have to cancel our fish fry events. Our Planning Meeting will remain in the conference room at SPOT.

Hopefully you will be receiving this newsletter just before our seventh annual trunk or treat on Sunday October 27. Please plan to participate with a trunk, help out or just attend! Set up at 1pm with a 2pm start. See the newsletter article for more information.

We had our Fall Road Clean-up on October 2. We had nine knights show up to help. Thank you to Greg Csernai for organizing this event, Kevin Kennedy (brought doughnuts!), Ray Coughlin, Tom Gray, Ralph Pullis, Chuck Lybeer, Vince Ursini, Gary Skarb and Mike Hartel for helping. Would be nice to have some more help next time.

The council helped move many boxes of books with some vets returning home at the Fall Book Sale Set Up on October 8 at the Main Branch of the Clinton-Macomb Library across from church organized by Ken Krause. Helping Ken were Bruce and Claudia Arnold, Chuck Twig, Hank Leflere and Mike Hartel. The Friends of Macomb Library fed everyone lunch and presented our council a nice appreciation check for our help.

We held our fall membership drive during the first two weekends in October. To date, we have received five new applications. Well done Brothers. Keep up the good work and continue the effort to ask your Catholic brothers to consider joining the Knights.

We had two of our Brother Knights attend the Formation (Second) and Knighthood (Third) Degree ceremonies at St. Clement of Rome. Congratulations to Nick Mazza and Ken Gonko!

The council just received notice that our Family of the Month for September, Tom and Clara Loria, have been selected for National Family of the month honors! They will be awarded a Holy Family gift to their home within 4 -6 weeks. Congratulations!

Make a note on the Calendar for the Memorial Mass at Sacred Heart on Sunday November 10 at 10am. Seven of our council Brothers who have been called home by the Lord in the past year will be honored at the Mass.

Our first District One Corporate Communion is November 17 at 11:30 Mass. Plan to wear a coat and tie with your name badges.

The MCREST event, where we help at the St. John the Apostle Church, is scheduled for November 24 through December 1. Please sign up to help! See the newsletter article for more information.

Please consider signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The list is very short. We need some more families to sign up. Most importantly, our prayers are needed to support vocations! Please note that this is open to all families of the parish. Mention that to the people you sit next to at church. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel