Friday, December 29, 2023

The Knight Shield - January 2024

    It’s a new year. Wow 2024 is already here. My wife Andrea and I moved to Detroit area in 2002, when my nephew was 1 year old. He just graduated from Central Michigan University ! We also attended another ceremony recently for another nephew who is 20 years old and just graduated from the Police Academy. He will be joining the Roseville police force to “Protect and Serve”. He was just a sparkle in his Mother’s eye when I first moved here. You get the point, our mission is great and time doesn’t wait for us. We have little time to make an impact in this world. Let’s get out there and make use of our God given talents.

    Some reflection on words from the Roseville Commander who talked about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. When you can do something good for people and help them in their journey, celebrate those accomplishments loudly. He talked about the Bad where you are unable to help or assist people in need. And he didn’t need to talk about the Ugly (we all know what that looks like). The fact is that we must learn from those bad experiences and apply the lessons moving forward to further help people. Take action. Take your wins where you can get them.

    That’s a call to participate in this Council’s awesome programs. Proceeds from the Pancake breakfast in January will go towards our SPOT Pantry and their mission to feed those in need. We have 180+ Knights in this Council and I’d like to see a majority come out in support of this worthy cause. Get with our Brother Knight Kurt Buhlinger to sign up for a task. And don’t forget the Charity Poker Event in January, contact Michael Hartel our Worthy Program Director for that duty. If you enjoy playing cards, you’ll love this duty.

    The Council’s biggest fund raisers are coming up in February and March with the Fish Fry event and the MI Drive. We will need all you Brothers for these activities. The Social Hall Fish Fry takes several prep people, cooks, dinner sales personnel, servers, take out organizers and dining room support. Bring your spouse along as the "Ladies of the Knights" do a great job and find a way to enjoy their time while serving. These programs provide great opportunities to recruit and evangelize as well. Plus, you are raising money for our multiple charity organizations.

    Let’s get 2024 started off on the right foot. I’ve confidence this Council will do an excellent job to make these programs successful.

   Welcome, to our newly exemplified Council member Robert Hurlbert. Looking forward to working with you in this next year.

Wishing all of you Brothers and your families a most blessed and successful new year!

God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus.