Happy October everyone! I for one am looking forward to that cooler fall air.
We had our Corporate Communion at 9:30 mass on September 18th. There was a pretty good turnout and it was very enjoyable attending mass with my brother Knights. Also on September 18th we helped host a new parishioner welcome lunch. Rick Okerhjelm, Craig Thomson, Ted Czarny helped me with the food and cleaning up afterwards. It was lightly attended but the new parishioners seemed to enjoy it. Also the church was appreciative of us helping out.
Coming up we have our semi-annual road cleanup on October 1st. We will meet in the North parking lot at 8am. The fall one is usually a little easier and if we get a good turnout we can wrap it up pretty quickly. So come on out and help keep our corner of Clinton Township a little cleaner. Some good conversation is had and it is kind of fun with some of the interesting things we find.
October 15th we are hosting a Rosary Rally at noon on the church grounds. Tom Pardo is chairing this event. If you would like to attend or help please contact him for any further information.
Also on October 15th the St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon will arrive at the parish. It is coming after St. Thecla's Saturday mass. It will be displayed on Sunday the 16th at all masses and Saturday the 22nd.
October 16th will be our first pancake breakfast in a few years. Our council has decided to support MCREST at St.John Anglican church with the proceeds. Please plan on helping out with this. These events are really fun to work and it is a good opportunity to show the parish what we do.