Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Knight's Shield - September 2018

Please welcome our newest Brother Knight, William Pirrami, to our council. Bill became our latest council member by taking his Admission (1st) Degree at St. John Vianney on August 18th.

The annual ice cream social for the parish on the last weekend in July was very popular. The weather was beautiful and the council helped the chairman, Rick Okerhjelm, tremendously. Thank you everyone! Ken D. has placed a nice photo slide show on the council website.
Click here to view the video

I gave Father Jerry the Birthday card the council members signed at our August General Meeting with a gift card for Luigis. He thanked us for all that we do.

The inaugural council camping trip at Lakeport State Park in August was very nice. We had nice weather, Lake Huron was perfect for swimming, the campfires and social time was excellent. We had a total of about a dozen campers on six separate campsites. Good food, along with a few visitors and some nice weather made for a wonderful Saturday evening pot luck dinner.

We are starting to plan for next year already and are targeting the weekend before the Dream Cruise in August 2019 with the same venue.

Thank you to everyone who attended the District Corporate Communion and Officer Installation at St. John Vianney. An excellent meal was served by the host council, St. John Vianney, after the ceremonies. Sue Nellis, Executive Director from Compassion Pregnancy, thanked all the councils who helped with the renovation work earlier this year at the Compassion Pregnancy facility, and provided a cake for dessert.

Be sure to review the calendar for upcoming September events such as our Corporate Communion, Texas Hold’m (sign-up sheet at our next General Meeting) and the DAVL Golf Outing (See flyer).

Note that October is right around the corner with some of our bigger events scheduled such as Pancake Breakfast and Trunk or Treat.

The next euchre party is also coming up on October 6th. A sign-up sheet will be available at our next meeting. Please note that we had 56 players at the last party. Capacity is 60 players. So save yourself a spot and sign up early. A notice to the parish for euchre will be placed in the September 23rd and 30th church bulletins.

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus
Mike Hartel

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...