Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Knight's Shield - February 2019

Well winter has arrived with a vengeance as I write this report for our February newsletter. On this first week of ordinary time, we are reminded of the first miracle performed by Jesus.

As we begin to look forward to the season of Lent and Spring, our council continues to amaze me on how many active members and families we have! Please read on……

Thank you to Jerry, Ted and Lino for distributing our Christmas Ham & Kielbasa orders, and to everyone who helped from the sales in early December, purchasing the Ham and Kielbasa and unloading of the truck on the Thursday before Christmas. Fundraisers like this would not be possible without all your support!

Thank you to Al Soulliere, Frank Burda, Hank Leflere, Bill Pirrami, Ray Coughlin, Larry Orzechowski, Rich and Matt Miller, Teresa, Eli and Steve Szypa for helping Ken Krause with taking down the outdoor decorations at church on January 6. One hour and ten minutes! A new record!

Also on January 6th after the 9:30am Mass, our Council sponsored Coffee and Doughnuts. Thank you to Frank and Janice Burda, Rick and Pat Okerhjelm and my better half Karla for helping with this event. Early January was a difficult time for our council. The Lord called home Brother Knights Joe Roehrig and Joe Marheineke. Our council and St. John Neumann Assembly held a rosary service for Joe Marheineke. Per Joe Roehrig’s request, his family will have a Memorial service this Spring, where the council can have a Rosary. Both Brothers were veterans and active council Members, and will be missed. Please keep them and their families in your prayers.

At our January meeting, Ray Ignatowski wanted me to share a note he received from a retired, out of town, Senior, Brother Knight Dr. Owen Dueweke. He is an Honorary Life Member with 63 years of membership in our order. “Ray – The years have ‘Gone By’ since we left St. Paul over 20 years ago. I look forward to monthly council updates. Many of our friends were in the council. Way back in 1957 the Lakeshore Council paid my life insurance while I was a medic in the Army.” So I encourage anyone who chairs an event to please take the time to send a brief article to our editor for the newsletter. It does matter!

Membership Director Phil Mularski has had the first membership committee meeting in early January. A council membership drive is under way. The Knights will be talking at the end of each Mass on the weekends of January 20 and 27 with an open house scheduled after each Mass on the weekend of February 3. If a new candidate turns in his application form for our council, they will receive a free pancake breakfast! We need everyone to help with encouraging our brother Catholic men to consider joining our order. There will be a K of C table set up in the gathering space each weekend. Please pick up some information and ask your fellow parishioner to consider taking this opportunity to share his God given Time and Talent. A major degree is scheduled for Saturday February 16 at St. Isidore. Joining Phil on the membership committee is Leon Berdy, Nick Oliveri, Rick Okerhjelm, Art Krygowski and Mike Hartel. Thank you!

We will be judging the Keep Christ in Christmas posters at our January meeting. Awards will be presented at our March pot luck meeting.

At press time, we have a few spots available for our euchre party coming up after 4pm Mass on January 26. Proceeds will be for Abigayle Ministries.

If anyone needs to take ‘Protecting Gods Children Class’ there is one coming up on January 30 at St. Lawrence. Everyone needs to have taken the class and agree to a background check to help out with our Fish Fry, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. which are fast approaching.

Our next council Pancake breakfast is coming up Sunday February 10. Please consider helping. If you cannot help, please consider taking out the family to breakfast after Mass! Proceeds go to St. Louis Center – Which is a caring, residential, family living and learning environment providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If you plan to help in the dining room, please plan to arrive by 8am. Black pants with a white shirt. Gentlemen should wear a tie.

Don’t forget to sell the state raffle tickets received in the mail this fall. Be sure you place our council num-ber on the stub and our council will receive $1 for every ticket sold! This is the major fundraiser for the state.

We have restarted presentation of the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. If you have not yet signed up, please consider signing up. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Reminder, that our March General Meeting is an Open house Pot Luck. The entire family is welcome. Please plan to attend and bring a dish to pass!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...