Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Knight's Shield - June 2019

Please welcome our two newest council members: Joe Munn and Ryan Scratch. They both went through the Admission Degree here on April 27.

We had our council Road Clean-up on Saturday May 4. Over 20 men showed up and finished in about an hour! Thank you Greg Csernai for chairing and everyone who participated!

Also on May 4, we had over 50 players at our Spring Euchre Party. We raised $125 for Abigayle Ministries. Thank you to Tom and Renee Gray and Karla for helping me with this event.

We had good attendance from our council (both attendees and workers) at the DAVL dinner Sunday May 5 at DeCarlo’s.

Council members helped for the Special Olympics at MCC on May 8. Thank you to Joe and Joanne Phillips for chairing this event. Please see the Special Olympics Recap article.

The Memorial Mass for Brother Joe Roehrig was on May 11 at St. Paul of Tarsus. Thank you to all that attended especially the Lectors: Phil Mularski and George Loewen, Eucharistic Minister: George Trapp and Ushers: Tom Pardo and Phil Bonnette.

The election of council officers took place at our May meeting. These are your 2019-2020 Officers: Grand Knight: Mike Hartel; Deputy Grand Knight: Tom Gray; Chancellor: Steve Kargenian; Recorder: Rob Tusset; Treasurer: Ray Coughlin; Warden: Tony Guido; Inside Guard: Kevin Kennedy; Outside Guard: Gerry Vento; Advocate: Ken Krause; Trustee: Rick Okerhjelm. Congratulations! Thank you everyone who participated.

Our thanks to the outgoing officers who have shared their time and talents with the Council for their terms. Your service is appreciated by all.

Unfortunately we needed to cancel our Spring Pancake Breakfast. I would like to thank our most recent Pancake Breakfast Chairmen: Phil Kwasny, Ralph Pullis and Steve Kargenian for their time and talents. We really need someone else to step up other than our previous chairmen to chair or co-chair this event. The bulk of the effort is coordinating the food and kitchen supplies. Our next event is scheduled for 10/6. Please consider volunteering for this very important position.

Our charity for the breakfast was Gianna House. We have a resolution for a $1000 donation in lieu of the pancake breakfast proceeds. Bruce Arnold and I attended the Grand Opening of Gianna House on 5/3.

As I am writing this report our two delegates are preparing to travel to the State Convention on May 23 to 25. Thank you to the council for helping support our delegates!

Here are some of our upcoming Summer events to place on your calendar:

Council Corporate Communion on June 23 at the 7:45 Mass.

The council Ice cream social for the parish is scheduled for July 20 and 21 with the tent set-up on Friday evening.

Make your council camping trip reservations for 8/1 & 2 at Algonac State Park or plan to join us for a pot luck dinner on Saturday August 2.

Council Summer Picnic/BBQ on Saturday August 17 at Kurt Buhlinger’s property in Marine City. Additional information will be announced as details become available. Thank you Steve Kargenian, for restarting this event and to BK Kurt for the offer to host our council.

Please consider signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The list is very short. We need some more families to sign up. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly remind-er when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...