Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Knight's Shield - October 2019

As you visit church, the construction is in high gear. The building pad, foundations, underground utilities and the canopy extension work have all started. This results in the loss of use of our church social hall for about six months. The pantry is using about one-third of the hall. Another third will be for items from the storage room. The remainder is needed for construction of the new building addition. So as a reminder, our General Meetings are scheduled to be held at the JFK Council Hall located on 33320 Kelly Road starting with the October meeting. This means we will not be able to have any Pancake Breakfast or Euchre events until after Easter. We will probably also have to cancel our fish fry events. Our Planning Meeting will remain in the conference room at SPOT.

We recently helped out MCREST on Saturday September 7. The council received an urgent request to help MCREST just before our Labor Day weekend. Enough council members at our planning meeting stepped up to help so we didn’t send out a notice to the entire membership. We served dinner to about 60 men, women and children at St. Malachy. Thank you Ken Krause, Ron Marreese, Deacon Marc, Kevin and Tina Kennedy and especially Tom Gray for organizing and picking up most of the food and supplies.

The council participated in our Fall charity poker event at Ciccarelli’s. Thank you to Hank Leflere for again chairing this event, Bruce Arnold for handling the paperwork and Ray Coughlin for the financial support. Also for everyone who helped, especially George Loewen, Bruce Arnold, William Hill (2 days), Ted Czarny , Ralph Pullis, Dan Steele, Ken Krause, Kevin Kennedy, Hank (3 days) at Ciccarelli’s!

We had an excellent turnout for our Corporate Communion in September at the 9:30 Mass on September 15. We filled up all three reserved pews! Thank you to the five color corps members including Ken Grobbel and Vince Cusumano from our council, George Loewen & Rick Okerhjelm for lecturing, Gary Skarb & Geno Pirrami for being Acolytes and everyone who attended to celebrate Mass together with our Council Chaplain Father Jerry, Brother Deacon Marc and the rest of our parish family!

Please welcome our newest council members. Joseph Bohn, who transferred to our council at our September meeting. Nick Mazza attended the Admissions Degree on September 11 at St. Thecla with Ted Czarny as his sponsor.

Our Fall Road Clean-up has been scheduled for October 5. Meet in the church parking lot by 8am. Thank you Greg Csernai for organizing this event! See the newsletter article for more information.

There is also a Fall Book Sale Set Up on October 8 at the Main Branch of the Clinton Macomb Library across from church. See the article from Ken Krause in the newsletter for more information.

We will be having a membership drive during the first two weekends in October. Stay tuned for more details. Please renew your efforts to ask your Catholic brothers to consider joining the Knights. There is a Major Degree scheduled for Saturday morning on October 19. Our council has been awarded the Columbian/ Founder’s Combination Award for the 2018 -19 fraternal year. Let us reach our membership and insurance goals this fraternal year to make Star Council!

Please note that we still plan to have our annual Trunk or Treat on October 27. Set up at 1pm with a 2pm start. See the newsletter article for more information.

Make a note on the Calendar for the Memorial Mass at Sacred Heart on Sunday, November 10 at 10am. We have 7 of our council Brothers who have been called home by the Lord in the past year. (Will be ordering plaques and inviting their families to the Mass which is followed by a breakfast).

Please consider signing up to receive the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The list is very short. We need some more families to sign up. Most importantly, our prayers are needed to support vocations! Please note that this is open to all families of the parish. Mention that to the people you sit next to at church. The binder is located in the church gathering space. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

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