Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Knight's Shield - May 2020

Well the COVID-19 pandemic has for the time being, taken control of how we can live our lives. In this unprecedented time, most of our scheduled meetings and events have been canceled for the safety of our members and families. The latest event is our Spring Road Clean-Up. We will try to reschedule this in July. Our May General Meeting and the annual Special Olympics at MCC have been canceled. Our planning meetings will be held online until further notice. Our Annual Pot Luck will be rescheduled when we resume our regular meetings back at the church social hall. We will continue to reschedule or cancel events and meetings as needed when they get closer on the calendar. Please remain vigilant and safe.

The church will be open daily Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 1pm for personal prayer. If you are financially able, please continue to support the parish with you regular offering. Thank you! The parish office is closed. Masses are being streamed online. See the church website for more information. Since the office is closed, no hard copies of this newsletter will be mailed.

Due to the stay at home order, all nonessential construction throughout the state was put on hold. Hopefully, this will be lifted soon so construction at the parish can resume. Much work remains. Once the new areas are ready, the pantry will move out of the social hall and into the new space. Until then, the use of our church social hall will not be available.

Please welcome the newest members to our council, Jerry Featherstone and Brennan McAlister. Jerry was just reinstated with Dale Jacks as his sponsor. Brennan is our first Knight to go through the new degree ceremony online! Phil Mularski was his sponsor.

The online ceremony is open to all new candidates, and all current Knights who have not yet attained the third degree. Supreme is currently offering the degree on Thursday evenings. All new candidates and current Knights who have not yet attained the third degree are encouraged to register. The degree is thirty minutes long. Please contact the Grand Knight to register.

Every spring we have council officer elections. We collect nominations for each officer position. An officer nomination must be a Third Degree Knight. A Knight can be nominated for more than one position. However, a Knight can only hold one elected officer position at one time. A Knight can self- nominate. You do not need to attend a meeting to nominate. A member can submit a nomination by phone or email to any current officer or director who will advise the GK. Current Officer Positions and Nominations received so far are listed below.

Now that our May General Meeting is canceled, the election will be moved to June. Nominations can be made prior to the June meeting and of course at the June meeting until nominations are closed on the floor and the officer is elected. As a reminder, we only elect officers. Directors are appointed. As you can see we still need members to help lead our council. We especially need help for the DGK and our Community Director po-sitions! Please contact the DGK or GK to discuss the op-portunities for leadership with YOUR council.

Vivat Jesus, Mike Hartel

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...