Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Knight's Shield - August 2020

Happy August all!

I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these trying times. I also hope that everyone is enjoying this hot summer thus far.

We should be on the council camping trip by the time you receive this newsletter.

Currently we are planning for the August meeting to be outdoors again as the last two meetings. We are holding hope that we will be able to access the social hall by then in order to not worry about the weather. Construction is nearing the end, they are tying up loose ends. Target is mid August for occupancy which is the reason we are planning for outdoor general meeting. If weather is threatening we will hold it under the new awning.

Supreme is advocating a new program called "Leave No Neighbor Behind" in response to the pandemic.
1. Support your brother Knights.
2. Support your Parish.
3. Support your community.
4. Feed the hungry.
5. Give blood.

Our state motto for the year is "Rise up and answer the call!". What does "the call" mean to you? To me, it means to be a better man, catholic, father, husband, brother, etc. So what can we do to rise up and answer the call? We can volunteer more of our time and talent for the betterment of society. God knows that the world needs that right now more than ever. Be an advocate for the less fortunate, the marginalized in society.

Be a voice for the unborn who have cannot speak for themselves yet. Be the voice of reason amongst your family, friends, and coworkers, but do so with love and respect. Be a calming presence in a time of turmoil. "The call" can also be to step into some leadership roles, we are looking for some good men to fill some gaps in our council leadership. If you are hearing "the call", let me know and I can find somewhere that you can help keep this council running smoothly.

Vivat Jesus,
Tom Gray

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