Friday, December 25, 2020

The Knight's Shield - January 2021

It was 25 years ago this month that our council was chartered! With the strong leadership and dedicated membership we have had through the years this council has thrived. God willing we will be able to have a celebration this spring with an awards night and dinner.

We had our December meeting online as a Zoom meeting due to the restrictions. It went better than I thought it would.

Our next general meeting is currently planned to be in person January 14th at 7:30. We will possibly be having an exemplification before the meeting at 6:30. We are planning to record this exemplification so we can post it online. We currently have one new member attending. If anyone is not a 3rd degree member and would like to attend please let me know so we can be prepared. I will be monitoring the rules set out by the State and the Archdiocese for any changes. If we have to pull back the number of people we could have a Zoom meeting or a hybrid meeting with some in person and some Zoom. I will send out updates if there are any changes. The meeting format will be changing slightly due to new guidelines from Supreme.

The Ham and Kielbasa was successfully completed. Thank you to all who helped! This was the first fundraiser we had this year that the funds are coming into the council so it was well needed.

Ken Krause will be needing some help removing Christmas decorations, there will be an update with timing and how to volunteer to help.

You all should have your state raffle tickets. Please sell these as the proceeds fund some state programs as well as the council receives a kickback from each ticket sold.

Casey the Teddy Bear will have been completed by the time you receive this. I will report final numbers when they become available. Thank you to all who supported this effort!

The free throw contest is still on for now. It is 1/30 at St. Thecla in the morning. We will be sending out details soon.

Lent is just around the corner and you know what that means! Fish Fries are back! Please prepare to help out with this, our biggest fund raiser of the year. We will be doing something whether we have to do carry out only or drive through or something. Stay tuned.

From my family to yours, we wish you a blessed New Year. Lets hope and pray that 2021 brings an end to this pandemic and our lives can return to normal.

Vivat Jesus!
Tom Gray

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The Knight Shield - March 2025

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