Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Knight's Shield - March 2021

I hope this finds you and your families all well.

We are into the Lenten season now, a time to reflect, sacrifice, and get closer to God. Please consider volunteering at one of our many upcoming events such as fish fries, MI Drive, Ham and Kielbasa sales, or Easter Egg hunt.

We had our February meeting online as a Zoom meeting due to the restrictions. We had around 30 participants and were able to complete all required business with no issues. I am looking forward to meeting in person again. I have reviewed the guidelines and think that we can meet in person at our next meeting on March 11th. I have submitted my plan to the church and am awaiting their response at the time this is being written. I will send an update as to what the plan will be. I am hoping to have a hybrid meeting with both Zoom and in person to accommodate everyone's comfort level. We will possibly be having an exemplification before the meeting at 6:30. We currently have one, maybe two new members attending. We also have one 1st degree member to attend for 3rd degree. If anyone is not a 3rd degree member and would like to attend, please let me know so we can be prepared.

We have completed our 1st day of fish fries at the writing of this newsletter, and it went pretty well considering it being two years since we have had one. It was a great turnout, and we sold out by 5:15. We did get into a groove after a slow start. We have a couple of things to tweak to be more efficient. We don't think that we can get much more food out of the kitchen but we are going to try to add some meals for next week. Please consider helping out with this, our biggest fund raiser of the year.

From my family to yours, we wish you a blessed Lent. Let us hope and pray that 2021 brings an end to this pandemic and our lives can return to normal.

Vivat Jesus!
Tom Gray

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...