Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Knight's Shield - April 2021

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter all!

I hope this finds you and your families happy and healthy.

We had our March meeting in person as a hybrid meeting. We had almost 50 men in person and a dozen on the Zoom portion. We also had an exemplification before the meeting. We had two new members and two 1st degree knights make 3rd degree. Thank you all who helped with the exemplification. I had many compliments on how well it went. I would like to welcome our two new knights Michael McKinnon and Jake Lueck.

We are through with a crazy couple of weeks. We had the fish fries throughout all of Lent. We had the Ham and Kielbasa sales. We had the Easter Egg hunt. Finally we had the MI Drive. I don't have final numbers for these events at the writing of this newsletter so stay tuned for results either in the next newsletter or at the next meeting. Without the dedication and hard work of knights and their families we would not be successful. So from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank each every one of you! I cannot list you all by name but you know who you are…

There is an online seminar by Tom Henga about retirement called "Paycheck and Playchecks" coming up. He is an author and very good presenter. I really enjoyed his last one. The flyer is attached to this newsletter. Please consider attending this as the council will get credit toward the Star Award if we get enough participation. Please let me know if you are going to attend so I can follow up and ensure that we get the credit that is due us. See the attached flyer for more information.

The road cleanup is coming up 4/24. We will meet in the North parking lot at 8am. See the attached article for more information.

From my family to yours, we wish you a blessed Easter. As things ease up with vaccines getting in arms, I hope to see each and everyone of you soon!

Vivat Jesus!
Tom Gray

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