Friday, June 25, 2021

The Knight's Shield - July 2021

As we are easing into Summer with restrictions being lifted, I hope this finds you all well and happy.

The MI Drive funds were received from the State and dispersed to our selected charities. Thank you to all those who volunteered to deliver them.

At our last general meeting, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the council! Our Worthy State Advocate, Charles McCuen, represented the State Council. We presented Knight of the Year award to Angelo Garavaglia. Family of the year was awarded to the Ken and Peggy Dudley family. We had four lifetime achievement awards: George Loewen, Hank Leflere, Ken Grobbel, and Ted Czarny. There was special men- tion of our charter Worthy Treasurer, Ray Coughlin, for his years of loyal service and dedication to this council. Thank you Ray for all you do!

We bid adieu to our outgoing Worthy District Deputy Ernie Boulis and welcomed our new one Dan Nowakowski. Ernie served District 1/101 for 6 years. We only had him for a couple of years, but his solid leadership was greatly appreciated. Thank you for your loyal service Ernie! Also thank you Dan for your willingness to step into this leadership role, we are looking forward to working with you.

You will note on the calendar that we are going to have an exemplification before our July general membership meeting. We are also going to resume meals before the meetings. So the exemplification will begin at 6. If you are not a 3rd degree member please consider attending this very nice ceremony. Also feel free to attend if you are and would just like to see it. Just let us know so we can plan for the number of attendees.

The weekend of July 16th is the ice cream social. We will set up the tent Friday afternoon and serve ice cream after all the masses. Please consider working this event, it will be very welcome to see some more of the parishioners and talk after such a long time.

We are going to do a baby bottle drive after the summer, so stay tuned as we iron out the details. We, along with help from the church, decided to post pone our membership drive till after the summer as well. Looking to do the baby bottle drive in conjunction with the membership drive.

From my family to yours, we wish you a happy Independence Day!

Vivat Jesus! Tom Gray



The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...