Spring has arrived finally! Time to shake off the frost and get ready for some warmer weather.
We have completed our busy Lenten season. I for one am looking forward to a little rest after that! We did a lot this Lent. We had the fish fries, Easter meat sales, Easter egg hunt, and the MI Drive.
This month completes our officer election process. We will be taking a 2nd round of nominations at our May general membership meeting then having the election. If you are interested in taking on a leadership role in the council or have any questions, let me know. It is perfectly acceptable and encouraged to self nominate for a position.
Nominations from the April Meeting:

We will be having an exemplification before our May meeting at 6 pm in the social hall for two new members. If you have not attained the 3rd degree let me know and we can have you also go through the exemplification to accomplish this.
There is a webinar called "purpose driven retirement strategies" hosted by your K of C insurance agency, presenter Joe Jordan. See the flyer with this newsletter. Please let me know if you sign up for this event as we do get credit if you attend.
Arthur David is a brother knight and a fellow parishioner. He also volunteers in the pantry. He is an author and wrote the book "A Soldiers Journey" He is a Vietnam Vet and suffers from PTSD. This book is an autobiography detailing his journey and the challenges he faced. With the help of God’s presence to help him through his struggles in life. 100% of the proceeds go to help other vets suffering with PTSD. They are $15 and can be purchased through Amazon, I bought one but have not read it yet.
I am going to close with a word about membership. We are currently at 25% of our goal for the year. We can still make it, we will need an effort from just a few guys to ask a friend or neighbor to join. Consider why you became a Knight and share that with someone who is not a member. Please don't deny other good men the opportunity for the camaraderie and good works that we do!