Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Knight Shield - September 2022

    Here we are at the end of another summer and getting ready for school. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer this year and this finds you happy and healthy!

    We had our ice cream social, it was well attended on Saturday as the weather was perfect. Mother nature had other plans for Sunday so we implemented plan B and held it in the social hall. There are photos on our web site and Facebook page for your viewing pleasure.  Click here for Photos

    We also had our camping trip and pot luck at Algonac State Park. The weather was perfect and a good time was had by all. We attended mass at St. Catherine's then had dinner and some good fellowship. There will be photos on the web and Facebook soon from this event as well. Click here for Photos

    Coming up we have Corporate Communion at 9:30 mass on September 18th. Please consider joining us so we can attend mass as a group. 

    I feel compelled to write a bit about the right to life with all that is going on today. With the decision by the supreme court to rightfully put the decision on this issue in the states hands. We are truly living through a life changing time. I never thought that I would see this happen. Not trying to get too political, we really need to vote our conscience this year. Our state has a law on the books that outlaws abortion and one judge decided to put this law on hold. Laws are written by our elected officials on our behalf and to have a judge stay this law is pretty ridiculous. If the law is to be changed it needs to change in the legislature, not by one judge. Judges are to interpret and apply law, not legislate. As Catholics we believe that life is precious and a gift from conception to natural death. Scientifically we know this is true because upon conception there is a unique set of DNA for this new individual. Spiritually we know this because the soul of this new individual is created. This new life is a unique individual and precious to God. This is the reason that we as Catholic Christians are so passionate about protecting life.

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...