Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Knight Shield - December 2022

    I can't believe December is upon us already! Christmas will be here in a few short weeks.

    The Trunk or Treat took place after the November newsletter was written, so I will mention that we had around 100 kids.  The weather was beautiful; it was like a summer day. We could use some more trunks in the future, so please consider coming out and handing out some candy. It is fun and the kids really enjoy it.

    Last month we had our first pancake breakfast in almost three years. I personally talked to almost every table and had nothing but positive feedback. People were excited to see this event return. We did have to start over with supplies as many things were expired but we still did make a few bucks.  Most importantly though, we had people in the parish hall sitting down and talking and enjoying a wonderful meal together. We did our Coats for Kids event at Erie Elementary,  and we also added some other coats for another ministry.  We delivered 96 coats for needy children. What a good feeling to help keep kids warm for the winter.

    We also had our Texas Hold’em event and did rather well. A huge thank you to all the Knights who helped with this effort!

    MCREST is coming the week of Thanksgiving, and we are helping out St. John Anglican Church again. It is happening at the writing of this newsletter. The men are not being housed at the church, so it is pretty much just meal deliveries. Thank you to Ray for heading this ministry up again!

    Our Christmas meat sales begin next weekend 11/26-27, 12/3-4, pickup is 12/22. There is a flyer and order form attached if you would like to order.  As we prepare for a busy Christmas season with family and friends let us not forget the true reason for the season. It is the time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Below are some Christian meanings behind some Christmas traditions.

Evergreen Trees were the symbol of eternal life. Martin Luther introduced them to the Reformation Church as a picture of our endless life in Christ, by bringing in a tree to his family on Christmas Eve lit with candles (Isaiah 60:13).

Candles are a picture that Christ is the Light of the world (John 8).  

Holly speaks of the thorns in His crown (Matthew 27:29).

Red is a color of Christmas that speaks of Christ's blood and death.

Gifts are a reminder of the gifts of the Magi to baby Jesus.  Each of them speak to a component of His incarnation: Majesty in life, Bitterest Agony in Death and He as God's Perfect gift to us (Matthew 2).

The Yule Log was a symbol by which all the men in the family would carry a log large enough to burn for 12 days into the house. They were identifying with Christ and His Cross.  The fire was started with a fragment from the previous years [this refers to the eternal existence of Christ before His birth] log. It speaks of warmth, unity, joy and the security of endless life.

Mistletoe was an ancient symbol from the Roman times. It was under mistletoe that old enmities and broken friendships were restored. So Christ was the One who took away the enmity and gave us peace with God (Romans 5:1; Romans 8:1).

Bells are associated with ringing out news. Christ is the good news, the best news of all.

Myself and the entire Gray family wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas!

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...