Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Knight Shield - April 2023

    I hope this finds everyone having a grace filled Lenten Season! Easter is just around the corner.

    Our 1st quarter corporate communion at 4:00 oclock Mass was a great success! We had three full rows and many others in attendance. Brother Paul Parker led the Rosary before Mass, and there were many Knights in attendance for this. Paul did a wonderful job...thank you for this effort Mr. Parker! We also held an exemplification after Mass. We had four new Knights brought into the order and had a light meal afterward.

    At the writing of this article, we have a couple of more fish fries to do. So far it has been very successful. I have had some wonderful conversations while "working the room"
during the events. I have had people from other parishes say that we have the best fish fry. Not only is the food good, but the service is the best. I have had women ask if they can join "The Ladies of The Knights". I had to explain that they are not a sanctioned group, and they were very disappointed as our Ladies look like they are having a wonderful time. I had a priest from another parish ask how I get our Knights and their wives to do so much. His Knights
are lazy and don't do anything. So I want to thank you all for what you do. Your efforts are being noticed, and we look really good to the parish and the community.

    Palm Sunday weekend is the MI drive. This is the event that defines the Knights. This is one that gives us the most exposure to the public. Jeff Gapczynski has graciously stepped up to run it this year. Please also consider working this event as this also funds many of the charities that we do like to support. We do need some help at the church with this as well as making and serving food.

    We are still buttoning up the Easter meat sales. We did many more orders the first weekend than we did last year, so that is good. During the meat sales this last weekend I had a parishioner that I have known for years come up and say what wonderful things the Knights do for the parish. He was just amazed at how much we do. I told him that it is all good, and that we are just trying to buy our way into heaven. He laughed so hard that he was choking.
I thought I was going to have give him CPR. With that being said, seriously, what we are doing is being noticed so keep up the good work!

    We are almost through our busy Lent/Easter season...just a final couple week push and we can slow down for a breather. Please don't lose your get up and go just yet.
  I look forward to seeing you all at one of our Lenten/Easter activities.

God bless you and all that you do!

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