Saturday, June 24, 2023

A Parting Note from PGK Tom Gray

    As I wrote in my last newsletter article, I am truly thankful for the love and support I and my family have received during my time as Grand Knight. It was a difficult three years. Starting out with Covid, having meetings outside in the parking lot, Zoom meetings, coming up with drive-through fish fries with social distancing, the passing of my son, getting Covid three times surgeries, etc. The way this group responded was just outstanding. When someone is down, you lift them up and pick up the slack to keep things going. I am so grateful for the time I have served this Council. I truly did get a different perspective of the goodness that is in all of you people while leading this group.

    I have had many people come to me with kind words about the job I did as Grand Knight. While I do appreciate them, I do usually try to point out that I really did not do that much. It is this Council that is so great! I won’t go as far as to say that it runs itself...but it is pretty close. Just a little nudge here and there is all that is required. I have grown very close to some of you, and I am very thankful for this experience. It is wonderful to see all the great things that we can do when we, the men and women of this Council, work together toward the common goal of doing good works for others.

I feel truly blessed...and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all.

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray

Past Grand Knight

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