Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Knight Shield - August 2023

    I love August. Football arrives before the end of the month with men working shoulder to shoulder for a common goal. Sound familiar?

    It’s a good time to talk about one of our founding pillars; Fraternity. The Ice Cream Social was a good example. Several Knights came out to get things set up and share in some comradery. The tent got put up in record time and although the weather was a bit of a struggle on Saturday, Deacon Marc came through with access to the Social Hall. Sunday, the sky was filled with sunshine and warmth. We had fun with Parishioners and fellow Knights alike. Having served roughly 160 constituents over the weekend, the event was a very successful activity. We received compliments and thank you’s from many of those participating in addition to Father Bill (who was a joy to have around). If you haven’t already done so, check out the terrific photos our Worthy Webmaster Ken Dudley posted. It was a satisfying feeling working alongside our brothers (and sisters) to accomplish that goal. Congratulations go out to our chairmen, Ken and Christine Krause.   

    Knights have many opportunities within this Council to join with like-minded friends and family to go to Mass together, eat, socialize, and do the good of the order. But it goes beyond just the fun stuff. Our struggles are not just in the physical. Support for our religious goals is just as important. And YES, we need our fellow man for that as well. Lean on each other for help when needed. Rob Amsler introduced a great new program with Rosary bracelets. And from his personal experience, just transferring a rosary bracelet from your wrist to the wrist of someone in need will help them. I know personally, there is much to learn about our religion, and I open myself to listening to Brothers who are much further down that path than I. It’s a reassurance of the promise that God has made to us.

Looking forward to seeing all in our upcoming Potluck at Mr. Buhlinger’s place and as always . . .

God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus

Vivat Jesus !

Vincent Ursini

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...