Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Knight Shield - September 2023

    Fall is right around the corner, but what a summer it has been. The Ice Cream Social was terrific, the Council Camping at Algonac was well attended with a special appearance by the "Ladies of the Knights", the Council Picnic at Kurt Buhlinger’s place was a big hit and Shrub and Tree Trimming all got done. 

    In addition to all the fun stuff (I hear some groans from the Shrub & Tree trimming volunteers), two exemplification ceremonies occurred, one in each month of July and August. We welcomed (3) new members into SPOT 11689 K of C Council, (3) new Knights into John F Kennedy Council and (1) new Knight into St Thecla Council. Plus, we have (2) more pending for Council 11689. That’s a great start to the recruiting year and congratulations goes out to our Membership Director Phil Mularski. These words from Grand Knight Tom Torrento from John F Kennedy Council made an impression on me. He told the new Knights that “my decision to join the K of C was the most important thing I’ve done in my life, and it will be yours as well”. What a great attitude. And when I hear the feedback and sincere thanks we received from the (7) local organizations that the MI Drive fund went to, we are all reminded how important our efforts are and that all our hard work pays off.

    The Exemplification Committee chaired by Mike Hartel and George Loewen in the past two months was outstanding. We had several State officers in the August Exemplification that personally thanked me for the great job, but the thanks goes to the members of the Exemplification team. You made our Council look good, thanks Brothers! 

    A recent Journeymen’s session asked the question; Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire (to be used only when you need it)? I’m reminded of the popular Country song “Need a Favor”. The lyrics read “who am I to expect a Savior, if I only talk to God when I need a favor”. Those words hit hard. Sin and prayer are incompatible . . . Pray more, sin less . . . 

    It will be another busy month in September with a Corporate Communion on the 17th and the Pancake Breakfast on the 24th. Rise up Brothers and let’s tackle those challenges as well. 

God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus.

Vivat Jesus! 

Vincent Ursini

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...