Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Knight Shield - November 2023

    November is upon us and the mad rush to the end of the year has already started in earnest. October had no less than (11) programs ! It started out with the Canal Road fall clean up headed up by Greg Csernai.  They did a very noticeable job of cleaning up the road way as I travel that stretch of Canal daily. Thanks to the (10) gentlemen that came out to support!

    Tom Pardo our church director, lead the Rosary rally under the canopy (as it was raining all day). And at the same time Ken and Christine Krause supported the Diaconate luncheon with my wife Andrea and I. It was a well-attended event and until you participate you really don’t realize the valuable training that is going on.

    The Women of Faith partnered with our Council to conduct the Baby bottle drive to benefit Gianna House and Abigale ministries as we continue our support of unwed mothers and pregnancy centers.  Great work by our Treasurer Ray in support and looking forward to the report of finances from this worth while drive as the bottles keep filtering in.

    11689 Council also supported Challenger Baseball Halloween activities in the social hall. Actually, there were K of C councils from St Thecla and Mt Clements in addition to our own. In addition, The Arc of Macomb and Glenn Peters elementary were in attendance as were several other organizations (12 in all).  That was a special event as mentally challenged adults and children alike had a wonderful time.  The Halloween outfits were really fun and the smiles and laughs coming from the children infectious. It was a terrific event lead by our program director Dan Steele and his wife Rosanne.  Thanks for allowing us to participate in this special event.

    Texas Hold’em event just recently concluded at Cicerelli’s with a contingent of our Knights supporting 4 days of charity poker. Mike Hartel and team are to be congratulated as it is one of the largest financial raising programs in our calendar year. Proceeds will go to support our many charitable programs.

    Also, our very own Trunk Or Treat event kicked off with significantly more “trunks” than last year and roughly 100 children filling the north parking lot. It’s so great to be able to conduct a fun filled event safely within our church grounds for the parents to take their kids. Hot dogs, games, costume contests and of course sweet treats all combine to round out the experience. Makes me proud to see how our Council turns up to enjoy the fellowship of the children of the parish.

    Thanks Brothers. Looking forward to your support of the MCREST program in November and the Rescue mission hosting over the next few weeks.

God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus

Vivat Jesus !

Vincent Ursini

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Challenger baseball Halloween event

  Challenger baseball Halloween event in social hall  today. To benefit mentally challenged adults and children.

Remember to bring in your baby bottles 🍼 next weekend. Thanks SPOTKNIGHTS!!!

    Women of faith in combination with the knights are raising money for Abigale ministries and pregnancy support centers. 

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...