Monday, July 29, 2024

The Knight Shield - August 2024

    It’s a new fraternal year and we are off and running. We’ve got a great program line-up, but we are always looking to do more. Please support the programs on the calendar so that we may expand. I have a passion for getting children more involved in our programs here at St Paul’s. Unfortunately, we are unable to pull off a Parish Picnic this year, but we hope to get a committee going for a return next year. “Trunk or Treat” in October and “Cookies with Santa” in December with the Men’s group, provide great opportunities to bring the children and Grandchildren along. I firmly believe that having children look forward to “going to Church” for fun events will lead to a stronger faith Journey with Jesus.

    Knight’s stepping up! I need to acknowledge Gary Skarb and Kurt Buhlinger for their support of a fellow Knight’s family. Rita Hubbard, the daughter of Jim Hubbard (our Knight of the Year last year) asked for support in the estate sale of her Dad’s condo. Gary and Kurt were quick to come to her aid and put out furniture, tools, garden equipment and miscellaneous stuff. And, they stayed with her throughout the weekend. The family was extremely happy with the support, and they sure needed it. It was unfortunate that more Knights were not able to come out and assist. Per Kurt, “The support of a fallen fellow Knight’s family is the number one thing we should do as a Council. We need to support each other!” Well said. 

    Last month’s Archdiocesan meeting, was a good opportunity to meet with our new State Officers. Our new Michigan State Deputy Barry Borsenik introduced the “SOAR” program that you will hear a lot about. It stands for Service, Optimism, Aspire, Responsibility. Things each Council can focus on during his administration. We learned that the Knights have put into service 94 ultrasound machines with more to come this year, helping pregnant mothers make better decisions regarding their babies. The State Officers emphasized why we recruit: to help men get closer to God, Faith thru action and more men more works (and that’s what we’re all about). Remember the Detroit Diocese is 1 of 7 in the state; however, it makes up 40% of the Knights of Columbus membership. As goes Detroit, so goes the State. That’s where the responsibility part comes in.

    The Ice Cream Social was fantastic, God blessed us with perfect weather and the tent stayed up! Knights who came out to raise the tent will understand that concern. Our Webmaster Ken Dudley did a great job photographing the fun and social aspect of the event on our “” website. Check it out for a comprehensive posting of pictures from all 4 Masses. Thanks go out to Ken and Christine Krause for doing such a great job of organizing and facilitating the event. Thanks also to the numerous volunteers and participants.

    Regarding fellowship and fraternity, make sure to sign up for the Council Picnic at Kurt Buhlinger’s place on August 24th. Having a firm headcount helps us plan out the food accordingly. Thus far we have 36+ people coming out. Don’t miss the fun.

God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus. 

Vivat Jesus ! 

Vincent Ursini

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The Knight Shield - February 2025

     Christmas Eve Mass was a very special event thanks to Father Jim Lopez. Father Jim requested that a group of Knights escort the “Ba...