Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Knight Shield - September 2024

    This months newsletter will be a little light. The Council has intentionally reduced activities over the summer months to allow its members to enjoy the summer with their families and loved ones. My wife Andrea and I have loved spending time with our grandchildren and have done some traveling & boating enjoying the best of Michigan. I certainly hope you and yours have done the same.

    August kicked off with the Council Camping trip up at Hartwick Pines. Unfortunately, we had a small crew but those that were there had a fun time. The campground is excellent for hiking, biking and fishing (some of us were actually catchingfish, while I was still fishing”). Although it was a bit steamy at times and it was a decent & hilly hike into town on the bikes, it was a great time. Well look for a closer location next year so that those that are working can get out there to join and allow us to return to the Potluck format.

    The Council thanks our District Deputy Dan Nowakowski and District Warden Ed Perkins for conducting the officer installation during our August General Meeting. It was done professionally with reverence.

    The Good Lord was shining down on us at the Council Picnic held at Buhlingers farm in Algonac. The weather was beautiful with a light breeze and a perfect setting for our picnic. (46) members and their spouses joined in for some awesome food and fraternity. Father Joe Hund conducted an outside mass with assistance from his brother Jerry and a friend. Chancellor Paul Parker and Lady Chris Krause assisted with some very memorable readings. It was my first outside Mass and was quite a humbling experience. Father Joe gave a special blessing to those couples celebrating 50+ years of marriage. Thanks go out to Kurt and Father Joe for organizing this beautiful ceremony. Thanks also to Kurt and Jane Buhlinger for organizing the grounds, cooking the food and of course, for their fantastic hospitality. September brings a host of activities including a Recruitment event and Corporate Communion. The Canal Road cleanup at the end of the month will lead to a very busy time thru to the end of the year. Please join us to make these programs successful and contribute to our community in a meaningful way. God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus 

Vivat Jesus! 

 Vincent Ursini

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...