Christmas Eve Mass was a very special event thanks to Father Jim Lopez. Father Jim requested that a group of Knights escort the “Baby Jesus” statues up to the altar for blessing prior to being placed out in the Nativity scenes (indoor and outdoor). Thanks to our District 1 color guard captain, SK Bob Greening, for assisting, and the (8) Knights accompanying Art Krygowski and Dan Steele, who held the “Baby Jesus” statues. Father Jim equated the modern day Knights to the Shepard's that first laid eyes on Jesus and greeted him and the Holy Family into the new world. What an honor this was, and we hope to make this a new tradition here at St Paul’s.
Another good group of Knights came out to take down the Christmas decorations and store them away. And yes, that includes the nativity enclosure outside and all those large Wreaths that we put up around the church. There was excellent distribution of support with several Knights taking care of the back of the church, front of the church and coiling the lights in the Food Pantry. Thanks to our chairman, Ken Krause, who was there directing all that needed to be done. Great job gentlemen.
The Parish’s generosity shown bright once again during the Coats for Capuchin Center Program. We were overwhelmed with a tremendous amount of new and slightly used winter gear for both Men and Women. Chairman, Rob Amsler, was extremely grateful and has coordinated deliveries to the Capuchin center. It took several trucks and a 6 x 10 ft trailer full to get them relocated to the people in need during this cold winter snap. Thankfully, we entered into an agreement with St John & Paul Parish K of C, to assist with taking some excess coats for their own charity in Romeo / Washington Township area. Eddie Sacks Grand Knight, and Steve Belinski, their chairman for the clothing drive, drove down to grab a couple trucks full of garments to assist needy families in their area. Nice to see we can spread the love when it comes to staying warm.
I would like to recognize a few Knights who stepped up to fill a couple of positions our Council is in need of. Rick Okerhjelm volunteered and was accepted to become the new Program Director following on from Mike Hartel. Don Kosnik stepped up to become the new chairman for the Charity Poker events. This will take a little load off the program director and enable a level of consistency as we move forward with this program. Past Grand Knight and program director, Michael Hartel, has done a terrific job over many years and the Council thanks him for his efforts.
The January Pancake breakfast is shaping up to assist another great local charity – Turning Point in Mt Clemens which focuses on empowering victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking. We will report on the results of this activity in next month’s Newsletter.
Thanks to our Youth Programs Chairman, Art Krygowski, for his Christmas Poster program and the recent basketball free throw contest recruitment. The Children are our future. Let’s encourage them to participate in church programs.
Reminder to book your Addison Oaks Camping Site in early February for Site C for July 31st to Aug 4th. We hope to get (10) sites selected for our Council Camping event and resume our Potluck get together on that Saturday.
On a personal note, my niece Eva Sanchez, reminded me of a terrific program done here at St Paul’s several years ago. She was going thru her things at home in California and found a Rosary that was sent to her in Iraq when she was in Army intelligence. That Rosary comforted her when she was in active duty and she was very thankful to have received it. Our Council may want to consider something similar with Rosary bracelets as we move forward in this new year. (See the photo and letter from Ben Pitlock attached below).
Although, February is a relatively quiet month, the activity will be ramping up in a big way come March with Fish Fry events. Start getting the word out.
God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of Columbus.
Vivat Jesus !
Vincent Ursini