Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Knight's Shield - October 2017

Please keep Joe Bono and his family in your prayers. At the time of this writing, he has been placed under hospice care. I visited Joe in the hospital. He does not understand how he went downhill so fast, but he said that he had lived a good long 92 years and he loved being a Knight.

Remember also in your prayers Ross Vizzaccero, member of 11689 and a past member of St Anastasia and the Knights,who went home to the Lord September 6, 2017 at age 97. Ross was active in the Church and Knights. He made many friends while living in Troy. Later in life Ross and Jo downsized and moved to the East Side.

Last month, as I mentioned, the Knights gave a retirement gift to Fr. Ron of $500.00 for the needs of his new condo.

I would like to thank Ralph Pullis and the Knights Breakfast Team on another successful breakfast on September 10th. We had over 180 satisfied customers. Proceeds will be donated to St. John the Apostle Anglican Church McRest Program. The next Pancake Breakfast will be November 12th.

Our Corporate Communion was well attended on Sunday, September 16th, with over three rows of Knights and their families, and six members of the Color Corps of the Fourth Degree. The next District Corporate Communion will be November 19th at 11:30 am Mass.

October is here and so is the start of our busy season! Please try to help out at any of our events. Even If you have an idea of your own, bring it up so we can grow our presence in our church and community.

Membership to the Knights of Columbus is on a steady decline. A Quote from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson: “Most brother Knights say they were asked to join the Knights of Columbus by a family member or friend, yet too many Knights today rarely ask someone to join us. All of us need to make an extra effort to extend the benefits of membership to more Catholic men, so today I ask every brother Knight to recruit at least three new members this year.” The growth of the Knights of Columbus depends not only on recruiting new members, but also on retaining current ones. These retention efforts for new members begin once he joins the Order. In addition, efforts must be made to retain longstanding members and to keep them enthusiastic about the Order. There will be a membership team meeting on October 5th at 5:30pm in Conference Room 1, if anyone would like to attend and bring ideas on how to recruit new members.

At our October 9th General Membership Meeting, George Mejaly’s niece will be here offering flu shots to all Knights and their families. Bring your Health Insurance Card, or if your Insurance does not cover this she will take cash ($25 I think). I am working on producing a photo book for the Knights with your smiling face and name. So Please attend the October and/or November Membership meeting to get your picture taken. Talking with some brothers and speaking for myself, I am not sure who you all are by name. If this works out I am hoping to have them done by Christmas.

Also we will be having our fall clothing drive at our October meeting on October 9th. As usual all types of clothing, apparel, shoes , jackets, etc. are needed for the many unfortunate homeless, including women and children who are also in need. The items will be donated to the St. Aloysius Outreach Center in downtown Detroit, to be distributed to those in need. The items are not sold, but given to the homeless for their personal use. This time of the year, warm items are of great importance...even hats, gloves and scarves make a difference to those struggling in the harsh weather. A pickup truck will be parked outside the hall before the meeting to drop off the various items. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by the Outreach Center, and we are fulfilling the First Principle of Our Order, “Charity”.

Your help is needed to continue building our 4th annual Trunk or Treat. This year's event will be on Sunday, October 22nd beginning at 2PM with set up at Noon. There will be a planning meeting on October 5th at 7:00pm in conference room 1. Please try to attend this meeting as we are looking for additional people to pass out candy from decorated trunks or tailgates and new ideas for kid’s games. Last year, over 100 of St. Paul’s youth came out to partake in this event. We have also asked for support from the Choir, Men's Group, Men's Faith Sharing Group, Women of Faith, and Youth Group. The next District Planning /Workshop is October 10th at 7:00pm at St. Clement of Rome in Romeo. Please try to attend. This is a good time to meet brothers and share ideas from our four other District Councils.

The semiannual Adopt-A-Road project will be Saturday, October 21st 8:00am.

Our Major Degree here at St. Paul’s on October 14th has been cancelled and will be rescheduled as a Joint Major Degree on October 28th at St. Hubert’s Council 11658 in Harrison Township, Mi. Start time is 9:00am for the Admission degree, and 10:30 for the Formation degree.

Starting with November’s Knight Shield, they will not be U.S.P. mailed. They will be E-mailed to all on our E-mail list. If you do not get E-mails from George Loewen, please let me know so we can add you to the list. As of right now there are about 150 E-mails on file. If we do not have your E-mail we will still U.S.P mail them to you but the goal is to E-mail to as many as possible. There will be hard copies at the meetings for those who did not get an E-mailed copy. We are spending $1200.00 a year on mailings, we would like to reduce this cost to allow us to use our hard earned money for other worthy causes. Please remember that the Knights Shield is also available on the church’s website:, or our web-site: We are also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

Vivat Jesus
Art Krygowski
Grand Knight

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