Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Knight's Shield - November 2017

Please keep in your prayers Sir Knight Joe Bono who went home to the Lord on September 28. Please pray for his family members so they have peace at this difficult time in their lives. Thank you Phil Mularski for honoring Joe with a beautiful and meaningful Rosary/ Eulogy and Hank LeFlere, Gary Skarb, Tony Guido, George Loewen for their part in praying the rosary. Kathy (Joe’s daughter) thanked me many times for all the love and support the Knights have given her and her family. She also said how much Joe Loved the Knights and was Proud to be a Knight.

The loss of Brother Joe Bono leaves the vacant position of Inside Guard. You can nominate another 3rd Degree Brother, or self-nominate yourself if you have attained 3rd Degree status. At October’s General Membership Meeting, nominations for Inside Guard were accepted: Leon Berdy, Nick Oliveri, Bill Gowland and Rick Dutts. We will vote for the position of Inside Guard at the November General Membership Meeting.

November is upon us, and it is time to reflect on the year that has passed: to be thankful for the blessings God has given, and remember the ones he has brought back to his fold. The 18th of this month, we will honor, remember and pray for those who have fallen this year, and pray for those who are heading into this holiday season missing a loved one.

Please make an effort to make contact and share memories with someone you have lost touch with lately. During this time of the year, our thoughts generally turn toward the Holidays coming up, Christmas shopping, and football. In addition to those things, I’d ask each of you to remember the first and foremost principle of our Order…Charity. This is the time of year when your charity is most needed. Remember that charity doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of a monetary donation. There are many ways to serve others with just your time.

I beg of you to ask a Catholic friend of yours to become a member of our Council. Not only will it assist us in making our programs run easier, but new members bring in new ideas to infuse into our council. Please realize that being a Knight is not only a benefit to our council, it is a benefit to that person and their family. It is my hope that the Knights make us better husbands and fathers, better friends and coworkers, and better people in general. When you join the Knights, you’re joining an organization that thrives on true catholic family organization that is deeply rooted in our faith with a strong bent toward charity….an organization that supports each of their members through good times and bad. Go out and recruit. Bring in a friend, a father, a son, etc.

The K of C Euchre Tournament was held Saturday, September 30th after 4:30 pm Mass, and was well attended by members of our Parish and guests. Thank you to Mike Hartel and all the helpers (whose names I do not have) for putting this event on.

I would like to thank George Mejaly for inviting his niece Diane Deluca RPh once again this year for the distribution of flu shots at our last General Membership Meeting, where 21 Flu shots were given. Also I would like to thank Rick Okerhjelm, Vito Guzzardo, Phil Bonnette and all the helpers for their outstanding dinner and service at this meeting. We had a nice meal and social time with Brother Knights and their wives.

The fall clothing drive headed up by Past Grand Knight Jerry Hund was successful as always. Thank you Jerry for loading your new Ford truck. With his helpers they delivered the donations to St. Aloysius Outreach Center in Detroit. These donations are not sold, but given to the needy in our neighborhoods. The clothing drive is just another example of “Charity” and what being a Knight of Columbus means.

The 2018 Basketball Free Throw Competition was held on October 14th at St. Clement of Rome in Romeo, MI. Thank you to Hank LeFlere, William Hill, Ralph Pullis and Vince Ursini for standing in for me and running St. Paul’s part in this event. I will post the results next month as they are in California (where we all probably wish we could be right now….LOL) as I write this article.

2018 Participants from St. Clement of Rome, St. John Vianney, St. Isidore and St. Paul of Tarsus

Our 5th annual Trunk or Treat was enjoyed by over 125 attendees this year. The children had a fun time. There were games, food, prizes and a Halloween Costume Parade. Thank you for the many, many volunteers, and over 15 Confirmation candidates, along with over 25 vehicles who passed out treats. Please see our new website: for pictures and videos.

Winners of the Costume Parade Contest

The Winner of the Best Vehicle Costume is Vivian and Peggy Dudley

Please add this to your calendars: On the weekends of December 2nd - 3rd and 9th- 10th , Brother Jerry Hund will once again be heading up the ham and kielbasa fund raiser for Christmas. He, and other Brother Knights, will be taking orders for your holiday meats. All products; Hams. Kielbasa, Turkey, etc. are the Dearborn Brand.

Brother Ken Krause brings so much help and joy in his selfless sacrifice to the Knights and the Church. To quote what he has said in the past, “he truly appreciates the many volunteer hours that fellow Knights put in to help brighten the outside of St. Paul of Tarsus during the Christmas season.” We hope you will consider helping us put up our Christmas lights here at St. Paul. There is not a date set in stone yet, as Ken is watching the weather forecasts for November. So for now, if you would like to help, please call (586-263-7115) or E-mail: ( Ken to let him know you are interested in helping.

Vivat Jesus
Art Krygowski
Grand Knight/Youth Director

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