Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Knight's Shield - December 2018

Right after our November newsletter was released, the council held our 6th Annual Trunk or Treat. Due to the weather, the event was brought inside. We estimated over 130 kids attended. We were able to squeeze in some hay rides when the weather did let up. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped out Art and Janice Krygowski & Ray and Lorri Coughlin with this event!

Thank you for your generous donations for Holy Cross Services. The donations are greatly appreciated!

Our council participated in the District Free Throw Contest in early November. Thank you to our Youth Director Art Krygowski and those who participated and helped with this event.

We hosted our District Corporate Communion just before Thanksgiving. There was a good turnout from our council and our district. From our district, we had our District Deputy, Former District Deputy and four of our Districts’ five Grand Knights in attendance. Our council also sponsored coffee and donuts after the Mass organized by Rick Okerhjelm! Thank you all for participating!

The Lord has called one of our Brothers home. Brother Larry Novak passed on Monday, November 19th. Larry just transferred to our council earlier this year. Please keep Larry and his family in your prayers.

The Lord has called one of our Brothers home. Brother Larry Novak passed on Monday, November 19th. Larry just transferred to our council earlier this year. Please keep Larry and his family in your prayers.

During the week of Thanksgiving we had many volunteers helping at St. John’s for MCREST. Thank you everyone for helping our chairman Ray Coughlin with this very worthy cause for those in our community who are in need at this time!

Jeff Gapczynski is still taking reservations for the upcoming annual casino trip. Please see the newsletter article and flyer for additional information.

Please consider helping our Membership Director Phil Mularski with the membership committee we are forming. We need everyone to help with encouraging our brother Catholic men to consider joining our order.

Art and I will be handing out coats for kids soon at Erie Elementary School.

With the support of Father Jerry, Deacon Marc and the Worship Committee, we have restarted presentation of the Holy Family Statue at Mass in support of Vocations. The purpose of the program is to help promote Vocations with a show of public support and to help remind us to keep vocations in our daily prayers. There is a sign up binder located in the gathering space for parishioners to sign up to receive the statue. Please consider signing up for receiving the Holy Family Statue to help get the program off to a good start.

As the holiday season is upon us, let us remember to Keep Christ in Christmas! If you need a new Keep Christ in Christmas lawn sign or button, we will have some available during our Ham and Kielbasa order dates after Mass. Also, look for our district sponsored “Keep Christ in Christmas” sign on the electronic billboard along M53 at 29 Mile from Thanksgiving through Christmas.

Thank you to all of you who have been at the meetings regularly. Please consider calling someone you haven’t seen for a while and ask how they’re doing. See if they’re in need of a ride or friendly reminder when the next meeting takes place.

Vivat Jesus,
Mike Hartel

Monday, November 26, 2018


Thank you to the volunteers who worked the MCREST week, also to the Council for the continuing financial support of the program. Our participation is critical for the staff at St John’s Church who act as host for this much needed emergency shelter program . Thanks to: Rick Okerjhelm, Steve Kargenian, Bruce Arnold, Ken Krause, Marty Winiarski, Gary Skarb, Jeff Gapczynski, Tom Gray, Phil Kwasny, Larry and Nancy Orzechowski, Tom Murray, Ken Grobbel, Mike Hartel, Leon Berdy, Hank Leflere, Art Krygowski, Phil Mularski, George Loewen, Vince Ursini, Ralph Pullis, Al Soulliere, Stan Labuda, Chuck Twigg, Rich Miller and Lorri Coughlin. local-4-news-at-4 story

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...