Saturday, November 21, 2020

Leon Eggers 1931 - 2020

Leon was born in Wausau, WI of parents Charlotte Sucharski and Fred Eggers, Jr. on Nov. 19, 1931. He is survived by his wife Lorrayne Thielemans. He had four children with now deceased first wife Jacqueline Scherr. They are; Sharon Okray (Mickey), Sandra Hill (Robert), and deceased Judith Sprecher (Dennis) and deceased Leon Eggers (Debbie). He has 5 living grandchildren and one deceased. He has 8 great-grandchildren. Leon attended Pershing High School and Chrysler Trade School. He was manager at Schlitter Tool for many years. He had a great love of music and loved boating on Lake St. Clair and in earlier days was a hunter in Northern Michigan. The family will be gathering for a Funeral Mass. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Leon originally joined the Knights of Columbus on August 1, 1964 and was a member of St. Paul of Tarsus Council 11689. He rejoined the Council on January 12, 1996. He joined our Assembly on March 22, 1998. He had regalia, so I assume that at one time he was a member of the Color Corps.

Eternal rest grant onto him, Oh Lord. May his soul and the soul of all our faithful departed Knights rest in peace. Amen.

The Knight Shield - March 2025

     The Coats for Capuchin 2nd weekend was nearly as big as the first weekend. The Capuchin Center was appreciative of the voluminous do...