Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Knight Shield - January 2023

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

December has been a rough month for this council. We have lost two great Knights, Hank Leflere and Joe Kish.  Both wonderful men and Knights. They will be greatly missed for their kindness and generosity. God speed brother Knights…

We are going to be entering a busy time soon with Lent right around the corner. We are going to be doing fish fries with indoor dining this year. We will need all hands on deck to take on this challenge. Please be prepared to work at least a couple...it is fun and rewarding. Not only is this our biggest fundraiser of the year, it is also a great opportunity to meet and greet people and get them back into the church again.

Here is a little description of new years resolutions and how they started. Maybe we should consider making a resolution with our God to hold us to it?

The ever-popular but rarely successful act of making New Year’s resolutions is a lot older than many might think.  Over 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians made promises to the gods as part of Akitu, a festival that celebrated the new year. The promises often involved things like paying debts or returning borrowed farming equipment. The Babylonians were motivated to actually fulfill these promises because nobody wants to break a promise to a god.  The ancient Romans had a similar practice of making New Year’s promises to Janus, a two-faced god whose name would give us the month of January. Later Christians would view the celebration of the new year as a time to improve oneself spiritually and vow to do better in the following year. Today, resolutions are not the religious act they once were, and most people make promises to themselves rather than a deity.  

From my family to yours, we wish you a Happy New Year!

Vivat Jesus!

Tom Gray

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