The Corporate Communion this past September was
really special. The Cardinal Mooney High School
Football team was there with their staff and some
parents. It was great to see such an upstanding
group of young men. These men were not just sitting
there at the request of their coach, but actually participating in the mass and listening to another awesome homily by Father Ron. They loved the choir’s
communion song “Gonna Sing” and you could see the
spirit work in them as they clapped their approval
after the song.
It got me to thinking of my days back playing football
and what I had aspired to be while in High School.
There was a lot of uncertainty at that time, but the
more I leaned on my faith, the clearer the picture became. It was evident to me then, that students who
had little or no faith background seemed to struggle
and lived in the now rather than plan for their lives
outside of High School. Our presence as Knights, I
believe, favorably impressed them. And, thanks to
Deacon Marc who talked about the important programs the Knights are engaged in here in this community. These young people need positive role models.
Let’s be that for our community.
I’m expecting several of these young men to join our
ranks in the Knights of Columbus sometime in the
near future and as Father Ron mentioned, maybe one
or two will have a calling to the priesthood. Let’s
continue to show our presence at church and within
our community. Let’s continue to tell our story
about what we are doing and how it impacts the lives
of others. Let’s continue to be there when people
are in need.
The Pancake Breakfast was another success thanks to
the hard work of our director Kurt Buhlinger and
those that contributed cooking, cleaning or serving.
The money raised is going to McCrest to assist with
the feeding of homeless men, women and children.
What a great cause.
Thanks Brothers. I’m proud to be part of this Council
and excited about the programs we have coming up.
God bless our Council and God Bless the Knights of
Vivat Jesus !
Vincent Ursini