Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kenneth B. Unterbrink Letter - State Instillation of Officers

Published by: Gary Merritt On: 01/30/2018 Under: All Articles

From left to right; State Advocate Christopher Kolomjec, State Secretary William Chasse, State Deputy Kenneth Unterbrink, State Chaplain Very Rv. William Turner, State Treasurer Walter Winkle, State Warden Joseph Munie

My Brother Knights,

On Sunday January 28, 2018 the four state officers, recently appointed by a unanimous vote of the State Board, were installed into their new offices of State Secretary – William Chasse, State Treasurer – Walter Winkle, Jr., State Advocate –Christopher Kolomjec, and State Warden – Joseph Munie.

The appointments were made in accordance with the Charter Constitution Laws of the Knights of Columbus (Chapter VIII State Councils, Vacancies, Section 58 paragraph 23).

The Installation of State Council Officers ceremony was conducted by State Chaplain William J. Turner and State Deputy Kenneth B. Unterbrink at the altar of St. Mary Parish in Chelsea, MI.

As with all State Officers, District Deputies, Directors, Council Officers, they promised to support and obey the Constitution Laws of the Order, promised loyalty and devotion to the Catholic Church, the Holy Father, Bishops and priest, and to devote the necessary time to the discharge of their responsibilities as designated by the Laws of the Order, as well as to keep the welfare and Good of the Order uppermost in their mind.

The State Officers installed on January 28, 2018 have committed to the service of the Order and the Church with the full support of their families.

Kenneth B. Unterbrink
Michigan State Deputy

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